2023: Week 01

Invitations sent to the first set of beta customers, and a whole bunch of bug fixes .

First customers

I normally want people testing an app as early as possible, but email is so crucial that I needed to test heavily and extensively with my own mail first. I spent a few months using Minmail exclusively and the most recent have seen very few problems. Caution made me hold off probably longer than necessary but, now, here we are.

The first customers joined this week and immediately found issues I’d missed, mainly in things I either hadn’t had cause to look at for a while, or things I’d changed in late night or early morning coding sessions.


A few issues would have been caught with adequate tests in place, so along with fixing the things that were broken there was a renewed emphasis on more automated tests. Some were updated, some where added. There’s nowhere near enough coverage yet, but coverage is expanding. Thankfully tests were something I started adding early on, but there’s much more to do.

The week ahead

It’s all about iteration based on user feedback and improving the overall experience in Minmail.

Stay tuned.

Latn Black
c. fifteen years in Software Engineering. Worked with Penguin, Time Inc. and the Home Office. Loves to create. Building Minmail.

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