Imminent invitations and a meetup .
With invites going out soon to Minmail’s first testers I needed to ensure the invitation/registration flow was working correctly. I saw the registration page for the first time in months and… Let’s just say it needed some refinements. The new registration page is simple and easy to understand.
I’ve never considered myself an evangelist of any sort, but I found myself speaking enthusiastically and in detail about email this week when I attended the Indie Beers meetup in London.
What I found surprising was how little the technically minded people I spoke to seemed to consider the safety implications of their email practices. Sharing the concept of Minmail seemed to spark interest and open a line of thinking that was apparently not previously considered.
The conversations I’ve had this week provided small, additional flickers of vindication that Minmail is addressing a real problem. The challenge is that many seem to be unconscious of it until it’s pointed out to them. There’ll be a strong focus in coming weeks and months to refine the language around Minmail to more clearly and concisely express its core benefits over traditional email providers.
It’s Christmas tomorrow, so the coming days will mainly revolve around connecting with people, both old and new. It will also be peppered with reading, reflection and planning. There’s a lot of work ahead.
Stay tuned.