2022: Week 50

The main focus this week was usability .


I wanted a pleasant way to introduce users to Minmail but couldn’t find an onboarding library that I thought would work well with Svelte and wasn’t overpriced. I ended up creating my own. Here’s a preview:

More control

For months I’ve been using Minmail without some convenient functionality. No longer! Minmail finally has:

  • Bulk actions for Delete and Done
  • Refresh button

Text contrast

It’s really annoying when using dark mode and an email text colour has been explicitly set to black , or white .

I got around the issue of invisible and barely visible text by keeping the dark/light switch in the header bar in the UI, as seen here:

Dark/Light Switch

Not anymore, because Minmail automatically adjusts the text colour for better contrast against the background. No more invisible text!

And, of course, it works well for light mode too.

Since this change I’ve not need to switch between dark and light in order to read some emails. This means I’ll be able to free up some real estate by removing the dark/light switch.

The week ahead

More focus on content and marketing, as well as gathering feedback on the app so far. But I expect things to slow a little as I take time out for friends and family.

Stay tuned.

Latn Black
c. fifteen years in Software Engineering. Worked with Penguin, Time Inc. and the Home Office. Loves to create. Building Minmail.

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